Global customer experience with local flexibility
Rich’s Corporation is a family-run food services business with a significant global footprint. Facing the challenge of rapidly changing expectations of B2B audiences, Rich’s asked us to create a new, global approach in digital marketing and lead generation.
The case for change
Rich’s serves food industry professionals around the world — helping them unlock new possibilities and grow their business.
The company’s approach to digital marketing was fragmented and outdated. They were missing a truly global shared approach. To inspire and engage a new generation of chefs and entrepreneurs, Rich’s needed a new recipe for digital marketing success.
Strategy and solutions
We evaluated the current state of Rich’s digital marketing across key markets, and made recommendations for ways to improve performance against marketing goals. From technology foundations, end-to-end customer experiences and content approaches, to sales enablement and measurement — we homed in on where they needed help.
Working with both global and local marketing teams, we developed a fresh global approach to omnichannel digital marketing and demand generation.
Business impact
To showcase the new approach, we created Rich’s first-ever global digital campaign to engage customers across social and digital touchpoints — driving traffic to the Rich’s website and generating more leads via Marketo.
The campaign exceeded expectations with a 33.6% engagement, 1.8% MQL conversion Rate and 32% MQL to win ratio.